Christmas Sale and Open Studios

Fancy a new painting for Christmas? I have discounted 7 of my paintings on this website from today and until the end of this year.  Here’s one, Southport Sands, discounted for this short period to £400..

Or how about a small gift or a stocking filler, like this one – ‘Study, Rocks at KerLo’ch’


My new work from my exhibition ‘Inspiring Derbyshire’ will also be on show. Here are two of the paintings from this show that are also already on my website.

017 - landscape - painting - lumsdale falls with frame - sarah morley

Lumsdale Falls, Sunlight £700

I will be in the studio this Saturday, 8th December, getting into the Christmas Spirit. Do come and join me. Other studios on the 3rd Floor will also be open.

sarah morley art studio vernon mill 2016