Summer Sessions – A chance to draw or paint from life

I am running some sessions of life drawing and painting in my studio this summer. I have booked Hope, a professional model of many years standing.

The first session took place last Thursday. It was a great success. We did a couple of short poses just to loosen up and really get our ‘eye in’. Then we had a long standing pose for the remainder of the two hour session, with a break for coffee and biscuits, and just one other break for the model.

In the afternoon there was a sitting pose for two hours. Next time it will be the same poses – giving a chance to complete paintings that were started, or, if drawing, to swap with others and draw from different positions in the room.

My studio is ideal for life drawing and painting in the summer as I have huge mill windows to the side and front of where the model is located giving really fantastic natural light. I am only looking for a maximum of 6 other people to participate, as this gives each artist plenty of space to work at each easel. I have studio easels and I can supply paint and materials if needed for an additional fee.

At the moment I have four more sessions booked with the model – this Thursday, 24th May, Friday 8th June, Wednesday 27th June and Wednesday 4th July. There is a morning and an afternoon session on each day, 10.30 til 12.30 and then 1 til 3pm. Cost is £10 per session or £18 if you are doing all day. Lunch can be purchased in the cafe downstairs.

Please contact me if you would like to come to any of these. If I have sufficient interest I will book the model to continue the sessions further into July and August.