New Homes for Scottish Paintings

ATTACHMENT DETAILS 2018-landscape-Scotland-On-the-Way-to-Sandwood-Bay-Sarah-Morley-oil

Just lately I have been saying goodbye to quite a few paintings that have gone to pastures new.

I thought I would take the time in this blog to remember two of them.

The first two to sell of the Scottish side of my recent exhibition ‘Force of Nature’ were my paintingsĀ  of ‘Scourie Bay’ and ‘On the Way to Sandwood Bay’. These paintings came from my memories of a day last August when I drove up from just north of Ullapool to Durness, to see the Smoo Caves. On the way I stopped off for a short walk around Scourie Bay, which had been a favourite camping place for my parents many years earlier. I visited Smoo ( still to be painted) and then on the way back down I saw signs to Sandwood Bay. This intrigued me so I set off in search of Sandwood. After about 15 minutes of narrow windy roads the road ended, at a carpark. A sign pointed to a footpath and told me that it was four and a half miles walk to Sandwood Bay. It was by then nearly 6pm, but I set off, after all I had come so far…. Many people were walking back returning to their cars. I seemed to be the only one walking to Sandwood Bay at that hour! It was a lovely walk – the colours of the heathland itself were amazing, golden, and views of distant Sutherland mountains occasionally. After around an hour I arrive – a totally amazing place – pink sand, green sea, waves crashing against the rocks, also an amazing pink stack – rather like The Old Man of Hoy.

I painted the sea and this is still for sale in the paintings for sale section of this website – seeĀ Sandwood Sea I

Sandwood Sea 1 ( below)


At my exhibition a brother and sister bought ‘Scourie Bay’ and ‘On the Way to Sandwood Bay’. They did so because it reminded them of their parents, who used to take them to Scourie Bay

Scourie Bay (below)



The man also remembered doing the walk that I had done to visit Sandwood Bay with his father. He has since sent me a lovely photograph of the painting in pride of place above his fireplace.

I am so pleased that these paintings are now treasured by their buyers and have such special meaning to them.

On The Way to Sandwood Bay ( below)

ATTACHMENT DETAILS  2018-landscape-Scotland-On-the-Way-to-Sandwood-Bay-Sarah-Morley-oil