New Homes for Scottish Paintings – Part Two


Two more of my new Scottish Paintings have recently gone to new homes.

These were sold at The Great Dome Art Fair, Buxton, on my appearance there with The Peak District Artisans. The first to sell was ‘Isle of  Sanday 2, Orkney Islands’.

This painting and one I still to sell ‘ Sanday 1’http://Sanday are based on a memory I have of Lopness Bay, Sanday last summer. Sanday is one of the most northerly of the Orkney Islands. It is a place of quiet, very few people, pristine white sands and blue sea and wild flowers growing on the strand next to the beach.



The people that bought the painting had been on holiday in the Orkneys themselves just the week before, and went cycling around Sanday. What a coincidence!

Here is the remaining Sanday painting:-

seascape, Scotland, Sanday, Sarah Morley

The following day I sold what is my favourite painting of my Scottish series – Luskentyre Water.

This painting was inspired by the sea on the way to my favourite beach on Harris, Outer Hebrides. The road to Luskentyre is a track off the main road, the track goes for over a mile. As you go you pass the sea, to your left. I found the play of light on this stretch of water mesmerizing. It changed constantly, sometimes the sea looked creamy in colour – like the top of a cappuchino, and then this would clear to a vibrant turquoise blue. Luskentyre Water was my attempt to capture what had mesmerized me. The lady who bought it has never been there but she was mesmerized by the colour of the water in the painting too.  I miss this one. But I still have the sketches I did of it – sitting in my car to avoid the midges. So perhaps there will be some more of different aspects of the same stretch of water – Maybe.
