New Homes for Peak District Paintings

During the last six weeks three of my Peak District paintings have gone to new homes.

The first to go was this one, which I have called Autumn Light. It was inspired by a trip back from Stanage Edge nearly two years ago. As I was driving down from the edge I glanced over and the light coming over the hill was simply amazing! Light, through a typical Derbyshire grey sky which totally illuminated the bracken on the hill. I was driving and had to be somewhere so I did not have time to sketch there and then. But I took a quick photo on my iPad and later on that day I did a sketch while the memory of the light was still fresh in my head. This is the resulting painting.


Stunning abstract piece. Would make a great statement piece for any room. Abstract is inspired by reflections in a lake in autumn. 

Then while I was on holiday I had another nice surprise. I had a phone call from The Art Lounge in Macclesfield, where I have some work displayed, to say that they had sold another painting – this time it was ‘Stanage, First Snow’, which I had never actually got around to putting on my website. So if you follow my site you may never have seen it before. Here it is. This painting is  featured in the walk around Stanage Edge that I described in my blog about walking and art inspired by walks –


2017 - Sarah Morley - landscape - Stanage First Snow

On my return I had a visit from a very nice gentleman who has now bought another of my paintings – Middle Moor, which is also featured in  the same blog


It was good to be away from the usual routine and it gave me the chance to think more deeply about my own direction within my art. I have been feeling strongly drawn to more abstract work in my own artistic tastes and sometimes in my own work. But landscape still draws me. My conclusion is that I will continue to make both my landscapes, which tend to have a semi abstract feel to them anyway, and more new abstract work.

While I was away I had fun sketching new ideas and mounting them in a hard backed book I use as a sort of ‘ideas book.I will post again soon about the arty ideas from my holiday and how I am developing these now, a little later, as they develop.