Just a quick update for anyone looking for teaching from me; I am pleased to say that for now, my painting classes in my studio are full. As a result vouchers for classes are no longer available through the website.
If you are looking for a class please let me know. I will add you to my list. Occasionally there will be vacancies, or I may decide to run another class.
I do have an exciting workshop programme available for the spring and summer as follows:-
- Spring Sessions at Castle Park Arts Centre
(Off Fountain Lane, Castle Park, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 6SE)
Introduction to Knife Painting – Friday 13th March – 10 am – 4.00pm – £45
This is a chance to learn about the joys of painting with painting knives . A great way to get good ‘clean’ colour and to build up layers of texture. You can bring your own materials or I can provide them for an additonal £5. For your finished pieces you will have the option of working from still life – I will bring flowers, producing an abstract, inspired by one I will bring, or bringing your own material to work from.
Below is ‘Nepali Wedding’ which I may bring with me as the abstract inspiration.

Collage and Mixed Media – Friday 15th May – 10am – 4.00pm – £45
This will be a chance to create some tonal work in mixed media, drawing inspiration from our surroundings or images brought from home and then to complete some interesting mixed media textured collage.
Vouchers for both workshops can be bought on my website or you can contact me to book or for further information.

Then moving into the summer I will be running a series of ‘Summer Sessions’ as follows:-
- Summer Sunday Sessions in Sarah’s Studio
Introduction to Drawing and Mixed Media – Sunday 21st June – 10.30am – 4pm – £40
Drawing Land and Buildings – Sundays 28th June and 12th July – £40
Mixed Media Collage – Sundays 26th July and 2nd August – £40
In all workshops materials are excluded but can be provided for £5
You will be able to book these through my website soon. If interested in the meantime please contact me,