St Georges Day in Lockdown

‘Above Hayfield’

Today is the 23rd April 2020, Saint George’s Day and William Shakespeares Birthday.

It is also one day before the anniversary of The Mass Trespass of 24th April 1932 when workers from Manchester and Sheffield trespassed on Kinderscout, in the Peak District, to assert the right of the public to walk in areas of what were private land. Today this area is within the Peak District National Park. So I thought I would start my blog post today with one of my paintings, which illustrates the start of this lovely walk which I describe in my blog below, that blog also mentions the Mass Trespass in a little more detail.

At the moment we are in lockdown, so we are at home to contain the coronavirus. Doing a walk such as the one described in my blog may not be possible for many – questions arise from the Government’s guidance on whether such a walk is permitted. The police had been discouraging people from driving to beauty spots in Derbyshire to walk. But I believe it may now be permissable to drive and then walk, as long as the walk is longer than the drive and as long as social distancing is observed.

I am continueing to follow the lockdown rules, working at home as much as possible. Which in my case means drawing, as I cannot paint in oils at home. I feel compelled sometimes to express this, as in my drawing below called ‘Cutting My Hair’.

I am also continuing to paint my way through oil painting commissions in the studio going in a few hours each week. Please let me know if you would like a commission – anything from land to sea to abstract preferred.

I am also continuing to support the Artist Support Pledge and below is my latest painting offering for this – ‘Cove Near Trefin’ which I am offering as this week’s Artist Support Pledge For Sale item. This painting is for sale for the duration of the lockdown, so until 11th May 2020, reduced from  £350 to  £200. A great little painting and a great bargain! Availavle on my website now.

Cove Near Trefin, oil, 40 x 30cm, framed, £200

The painting is framed in the same style as two of my previous Artists Support Pledge paintings, which remain for sale all at the same price – see and If anyone would like to buy more than one at once, please contact me, I may be able to arrange an attractive offer for you!

If anyone would like a selection of cards for use during lockdown you can buy a lovely selection, including some of mine, from, this includes books of second class stamps. A variety of prints are also available.

Finally a shout out for a great programme that Grayson Perry has put together that will be appearing on Channel Four, starting next Monday 27th April at 8pm. He is doing an art club to battle the boredom of lockdown. It sounds great – interviews with different artists, different themes and artistic challenges for the viewers. I for one will be watching!