Sold Work This Spring

Fond Farewells

I thought I would say a last ‘Fond Farewell’ to the many pieces that have gone to new homes recently.

Many were sold at the recent Art Fair Cheshire, which raised money for the North East Cheshire Hospice. These are the ones sold from my website.

These are new ones that did not make it onto my website

Below is my painting of the amazing sunset and view from Kerridge looking towards Macclesfield. Below that is ‘Sealoch’ a memory of the beautiful landscape of north Scotland, which I visited again last summer. These were both new paintings, finished and framed just in time for Art Fair Cheshire, along with some others.

For any of you that are interested in my work it is sometimes worth coming to see me in my studio, as not everything gets onto my website immediately.

Derbyshire Landscape Sales

This Winnats Pass painting (below)recently sold from my website and was duly shipped to another area of the UK. The two mixed media drawings, ‘On The Way to Kinder’ and ‘Middlemoor’ sold during Derbyshire Open Arts. I am currently creating some more Derbyshire works. These will be on show on my website and also available at my next show which will be the The Great Dome Art Fair – 29th to 31st July 2022.