It’s time to share with you some exciting news about a long term project I have been working on!
‘I’m Still Me’ The Project
For the past 18 months I have been working on the ‘I’m Still Me’ project, a project commissioned by the School of Dentistry at The University of Leeds. I and four other artists have been commissioned to paint portraits of patients who have facial prosthesis following treatment for facial cancer. I am the lead artist and artist co-ordinator for this project working with artists, Alison Murdoch, Brigid Brind http://brigidbrind.com. Jenny Mather and Tracy Ireland. On the research side we are working with Dr Rachael Jablonski https://medicinehealth.leeds.ac.uk/dentistry/staff/2117/dr-rachael-jablonski, Prof Sue Pavitt https://medicinehealth.leeds.ac.uk/dentistry/staff/674/professor-sue-pavitt and Dr Georgina Binnie-Wright https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgina-binnie-wright-344306129/?originalSubdomain=uk.
This co-created art and science project enables the general public to get an insight into the experiences of survivors of facial cancer and learn of the research of Dr Jablonski. The research has lead to new more patient friendly ways of making facial prosthesis. Essentially each patient’s head is scanned and the dimensions are then used to determine the exact size and shape of the prosthetic eye, nose or ear that the patient requires. This is a great improvement on older techniques where it was necessary to use plaster of paris impressions. Once the measurements have been taken the prosthesis is then made using 3D printers and is then carefully finished by hand by experienced technicians.
The Patients and Their Stories
We have painted over 20 portraits of the patients, mainly wearing their prosthesis. The main exhibition will take place at The Bexley Wing of St James Hospital, Leeds in the autumn.
In July we also have an exhibition of prints of the portraits of the patients and their stories, which is kindly hosted by The University of Manchester. The eight patients and/or their families have been interviewed by Dr Georgina Binne-Wright of The University of Manchester. The stories appear alongside the portraits and are a very thought provoking narrative and insight.
The image at the start of this blog post is part of the portrait of the first University of Leeds patient, Suzie, as painted by Brigid Brind. She was the first person to benefit from the new methods of making the facial prosthesis. Each patient has been painted at least twice, so that there is a portrait of each patient, usually wearing their prosthesis, and then a second or subsequent works showing an aspect of the patient’s rehabitiation. We felt that it was very important to show that each person is not solely defined by their illness.

My first painting – ‘Suzie’s Eye Prosthesis’ ( oil on canvas 76cm x 76 cm).
I was asked to paint something of the experience of putting on an eye prosthesis and chose to paint Suzie’s eye as if she were looking down at it cradled in her hand.

‘Tim’ (oil on canvas, 46cm x 46cm).
I painted this portrait of Tim to show him wearing his prosthesis and looking thoughtful. He said that it was important to show his neck and the scars from his extensive surgery.

‘Tim and Janet’ (oil on canvas, 100cm x 100cm).
The portrait of Tim shows him with loving partner who has supported him throughout his treatment. Tim also has a passionate interest in tractors. So they are painted standing in front of his favourtie Massey Ferguson.
First Public Exhibition – July 2024
The first public event is a month long exhibition of prints of our work alongside the patient’s stories which will take place in the foyer of The Oglesby Cancer Research Building, 555 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M20, 4GJ commencing Monday 1st July. The event is free and open to the public Monday to Friday, 8am until 4pm. Whilst tickets are not necessary for the exhibition there is additional information on Eventbrite. Please see https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/im-still-me-exhibition-of-cancer-rehabilitation-with-facial-prostheses-tickets-934383585457
Lunchtime Lecture
You are also invited to the lunchtime lecture and discussion about this project on 17th July, at 12.30pm at The Oglesby Cancer Research Building. Dr Jablonski will explain her reserach and there will be a roundtable discussion facilitated by Prof Sue Pavitt with three of the patients, Tim, Rebecca and Robin and discussion of the artist’s perspective from Alison Murdoch and me. Please register in advance as seating is limited at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/im-still-me-exhibition-of-cancer-rehabilitation-with-facial-prostheses-tickets-919455816097
This public engagement project has been supported with funding from Research England’s Enhancing Research Culture funding stream. The research project was funded by the NIHR [NIHR Doctoral Fellowship, Miss Rachael Jablonski, NIHR300235] and supported by the NIHR infrastructure at Leeds. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR, other funders, or the Department of Health and Social Care. Furthermore, the research project was also supported Leeds Hospitals Charity [Funding for Research and Innovation, Miss Rachael Jablonski, ULXXO/A200515]